Fight food waste with the help of one of these apps

Fight food waste with the help of one of these apps

Every year, about 9% of our food disappears into the trash. That is about 34 kg per person, costing over €120 per person per year. It is estimated that an individual throws about 45 litres of booze down the sink or toilet per year. The causes: bought too much, kept too long, cooked too much, bought the wrong thing, or we just don't like it. A waste of food & drink and a waste of money spent on this every year. But not to worry, these 10 apps can help you fight food waste and save money.

Too Good To Go

The Too Good To Go app has already been briefly mentioned in the blog 5 ways to combat food waste. But we will explain it again. With Too Good To Go, you as a catering establishment can offer your leftover food at a small price. You put the food you would normally throw away as a catering establishment in a Magic Box that customers can collect. The contents are a surprise, but you always get a good deal.


Olio is similar to Too Good To Go. Here, you can offer and collect food. The only difference with Too Good To Go is that here, you can offer your food as an individual. At Too Good to Go, you cannot. Do you have food that is still good and in unopened packaging? Offer it and tell where and when it is available. Conversely, you can also search for products yourself in the app..


With Olio, you can offer and collect various products. But with Froenten, the name says it all, you can see which fruit and/or vegetables are freshly available in your area. Seasonal fruit and vegetables are often available in large stocks, so paying attention to this will help you avoid food waste. In addition, the app also gives advice on how best to store your fruit and/or vegetables. Please note this app is not available for iOS.


Another common problem is that you come home with products that you simply still had in stock. As a result, leftovers pile up and you have too much stock. This app prevents that problem. With the NoWaste app, you keep track of what is in your fridge and stock. It not only keeps track of how much but you can also enter the expiry date. The app lets you know when a product is about to expire. Only you must remember to keep the app up-to-date.

Empty My Fridge

Empty My Fridge app is similar to the No Waste app. The name actually says it all, this app too shows what you have in your fridge and when the expiry date expires. Unlike the No Waste app, this app provides inspiration recipes with the products in your fridge. For each product, it shows different recipes containing that product. Of course, you may then still need something from the supermarket, but you first use up what you already have lying around. This way, you never actually buy too much.


Looking after the neighbourhood you live in, just like in the old days? You can with the Home-cooked app. Of course, it can happen that you make too much while cooking, or don't mind making an extra portion. The app pairs people who cannot easily cook for themselves due to age or health, but who want a fresh meal at a small cost. Besides helping someone, you also gain fun contacts.


Do you keep leftovers and don't know what to do with them? Then this app is the solution. Enter the leftovers in the app, and it automatically gives delicious recipes that contain as many of your ingredients as possible.

Smart cooking

This app, like the Supercook app, also searches for tasty recipes with your leftovers. You can indicate what you have leftovers and receive tips on how best to store them. The app also lets you look up recipes and create a shopping list.

Waste-free coach

Waste-free coach is an initiative of Millieucentral. Through this app, you gain insight between what you buy, cook and throw away. For a week, you register all this data in the app. After which you will get tailored tips on how to avoid wasting food. You will also get ideas on what to make with ingredients you have in the house, which groceries you need for a certain dish and the best way to store the ingredients.


Foodbattle is also an initiative of Millieucentraal. The app actually works the same as the Waste-Free Coach, only this is the group version. In it, you take on the challenge in groups to waste as little food as possible.

In short, you can use these apps to fight food waste and save money. Which one will you download?

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