Sustainable location? You now become even more visible with Practical Sustainable

Sustainable location? You now become even more visible with Practical Sustainable

Venues are becoming more sustainable and companies want efficient and sustainable meetings. Worldmeetings is happy to support venues and companies in this, because sustainability is one of our spearheads.

However, what Worldmeetings found out is that bookers hardly book meeting venues based on sustainability. They find sustainability too abstract a concept and lack clarity. Bookers prefer to see sustainability that is tangible and visible. All the better if, in addition, they experience the benefits for themselves. That is why Worldmeetings started brainstorming with clients and venues on how to stimulate sustainable booking. The outcome was a tool that offers practical tools for making sustainable choices. We came up with Practical Sustainable.

A new tool

Practical Sustainability is a search filter that allows bookers to easily find meeting venues and hotels with practical, sustainable features. Think of features like organic food, charging stations or solar panels. All visible sustainable features. The advantage for you as a venue is that you can show how sustainable you are even without a Green-Key. Smaller, sustainable venues can thus raise their profile even further in this area.

The search filter

The Practical Sustainability search filter that allows bookers to find sustainable venues is prominent in our booking tool. In addition to filtering, bookers can also sort their search results so that the most sustainable locations appear at the top. Also new is the green thumb, which allows bookers to see how many practical sustainable features each location has. So venues with many sustainable features stand out.

Show how green your site is

Tick in the cms tool your Practically Sustainable features. Then you take a good step towards more sustainable meetings. Moreover, you have a greater chance of being booked on the basis of your sustainable features.

Increased focus on sustainable locations

As part of the chain of companies and venues, Worldmeetings wants to encourage sustainable business meetings. And because we think this is such an important topic, we also give more attention to sustainable venues in other places. We like to put these venues in the spotlight through blog posts, social media posts, podcasts or items in the newsletter.

Practical Sustainability Check

To ensure quality, Worldmeetings regularly conducts a Practical Sustainability check. This way, we guarantee the booker that venues are actually Practically Sustainable. We do this in two ways:

  1. Via the review. Meeting participants rate the venue on practical sustainability.
  2. Through sampling. We check whether venues really have the practically sustainable properties they claim. We also check what venue reviews tell us about their practically sustainable properties.

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