Sustainable travel to your meeting venue

Sustainable travel to your meeting venue

The central government has set a target of emitting almost half (49%) less greenhouse gases in the Netherlands by 2030 than we did in 1990. This means; sustainable travel. But how do we do this and what are the options across all distances? Read them below.

We divide the sustainable travel options to your meeting venue into 3 categories; long, medium and short distances:

Long distances

For longer distances, public transport in the Netherlands is ideal. Trains in particular are perfect for an easy sustainable journey. Compared to a car journey with 2 people, a train passenger emits 4 times less CO2, report calculations by Milieu Centraal.
You determine the exact sustainable difference between a train or car journey with the calculator from Ecopassenger.

Indeed, all electric passenger trains have been running on green electricity since 2017, and the central government is looking into possible hydrogen trains.

The CO2 footprint in regional public transport is 69.2 grams of CO2 per passenger kilometre well-to-wheel emissions (WTW). Viewed by transport mode, tram and metro appear to be completely zero emission (0 grams of CO2 per passenger kilometre) . Trams and metro run on green electricity. The same applies to electrified regional trains.

For the diesel train, the figure is 81 grams of CO2 per passenger kilometre. At least, this is still just under 3 times more sustainable compared to an average petrol car. A few diesel trains still run in the Netherlands, especially in the north of the country, Gelderland and Limburg. Fortunately, ProRail wants to get rid of them as soon as possible given the environmental pollution.

Do you still want to travel by car? Then consider buying an electric car. From TNO research shows that the WTW emissions (including production) of an electric car are three to four times lower than those of a petrol or diesel car.

In terms of savings, the central government has an agreement with the rail sector. Namely, save 2% of energy every year.

In short; Check in and sit quietly on the train, tram or metro with a cup of coffee and your laptop.


  • Emission-free travel
  • No parking fees
  • No hassle with parking spaces
  • Time for yourself
  • Sustainable travel by train

Medium distances

For medium distances, you can use buses. There are around 6,500 buses throughout the Netherlands that transport you in a sustainable way.

I hear you thinking; "but many buses run on petrol or diesel engines? Yes, they do! However, instead of 2 cars on the road, you share a mode of transport with 25 people and this saves on emissions from the vehicles replaced. The CO2 footprint of the Dutch bus passenger is 116 grams per passenger-kilometre well-to-wheel emissions (WTW). This is still at least half as sustainable as driving a petrol car.

In addition, according to the Zero Emission Bus Transport Administrative Agreement, all new buses must run on 100% renewable energy or fuel from 2025. As a result, from 2030, all buses will drive around completely emission-free.

As an alternative to the bus, the in the meantime well-known electric scooter is ideal for around town . Nowadays, you have several options to rent them for medium and short distances. Think Check, Go or Felix shared scooters. Simply rent these scooters to get from A to B.

Do you 100% want to travel sustainably? Then check out our article on the NS and Lab app. With these apps, your journey from A to B and possibly to C is fully planned. NS' collaboration with GO Sharing and Check's electric shared scooters, SIXT share's electric shared cars and Donkey Republic's shared bikes means you can continue your journey from the station in any way you like, easily and sustainably.


  • Avoiding traffic jams
  • No parking difficulties and costs
  • Fast transport
  • Sustainable travel
  • Sustainable travel with Go sharing

Short distances

Looking at small distances, we quickly arrive at the most sustainable way to travel: the bicycle. Use the electric or normal bicycle. These days, you can often apply to your client for a leased bike. For 45 euros a month, you can ride a brand new electric bike! Of course, a non-electric bike is also possible and is even more sustainable and healthy.

So instead of an expensive, CO2-emitting petrol or diesel car, just a cheaper bike that keeps you and the world healthy.

If you do go out by (petrol) car... offset your emissions through Trees For All.

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