Book sustainable from now on with the Practical Sustainable search filter

Book sustainable from now on with the Practical Sustainable search filter

75% of CO2 emissions have been emitted into the air in 60 years. That is a huge number. It is now farmers' turn to drastically reduce nitrogen and methane emissions. But who will guarantee the meeting industry that it is not their turn?

The good news is that together we can still do something about it. As intermediaries, we are in a position where we can make a positive sustainable impact on the chain of 'external business meetings'. This led to numerous ideas, including Practical Sustainable.

The search filter

Practically Sustainable is a tool that allows a booker to very easily find venues with recognisable sustainable features, which also helps the client to have more sustainable meetings. Think of features such as the presence of electric charging stations, public transport nearby, and organic food.

As a booker, you can easily recognise the sustainability of venues by the green thumbs up in our booking tool. The more thumbs, the more practically sustainable features a venue has. The little thumb is visible behind the venues' name. The properties become visible when you hover your mouse over the green thumbs up.

Besides being able to select by properties, you can also sort your search results by Practically Sustainable. Locations with the most practically sustainable properties will then appear at the top of your search results.

Additional sustainable information

Facility managers, buyers and directors get instant insight into the sustainability of their meeting policy in management reports. And they can use them to steer on KPIs.

Advantages for you as a booker

By consciously choosing sustainable venues, you can make your contribution to a better environment that has less impact on the climate. Venues are easy to book with recognisable sustainable features. It is also concrete and immediately useful. After all, as a booker, you are giving control to sustainable meetings within your organisation.

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